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Mantel Owls are stylized carvings of owls. They are ideal for displaying on a mantel or shelf.
July 2018: Stylized owl carving-commissioned piece.

Mantel Owl
Carved July 2018

Mantel Owl
Carved July 2018

Mantel Owl
Carved July 2018
June 2015: Stylized Great Horned Owl carving. First photo shows carving before it was painted.

Mantel Owl
Carved June 2015

Mantel Owl
Carved June 2015

Mantel Owl
Carved June 2015
June 2013: Stylized owl peering out of his secure forest home. Carved from Birch.
Dec. 2012: Stylized Great Horned Owl carved from Birch. Carving is
11" high x 8" wide x 3" deep.
July 2012: Stylized mantel owl carved from Birch.

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