For the past few years most of my carving time has been dedicated to commissioned pieces. I also try to keep a few carvings in the works that may be purchased. I will post new images of the carvings I've been working on as soon as they reach a somewhat finished stage in the process. I just turned 77 this year and I'm still actively carving. Hopefully I will have a few more years to work at this craft that I have come to enjoy. Please visit again from time to time to check out my newest creations. Thank you.
Barred Owl

January 2022: birch carving in progress

January 2022: birch carving in progress
Grizzly Bear

Great Gray Owl

August 2021: birch carving in progress

August 2021: birch carving in progress

August 2021: birch carving in progress

August 2021: birch carving in progress
Red Foxes

June 2015: 1 of 3 life-sized Red-Fox carvings will be made from this large piece of White Pine

July 2015: carvings are roughed out from the original block of wood

September 2016: all three carvings were delivered to the customer by the artist

June 2015: 1 of 3 life-sized Red-Fox carvings will be made from this large piece of White Pine
Eastern Screech Owls

Carved from White Pine - February 2021

Carved from White Pine - February 2021

Carved from White Pine - February 2021

Carved from White Pine - February 2021
Red-Tailed Hawk

Carved from Butternut - February 2021

Carved from Butternut - February 2021

Carved from Butternut - February 2021

Carved from Butternut - February 2021
Snowy Owl

Carved from Birch - August 2020

Carved from Birch - August 2020

Carved from Birch - August 2020

Carved from Birch - August 2020
Bald Eagle

Carved from White Cedar - August 2020

Carved from White Cedar - August 2020

Carved from White Cedar - August 2020

Carved from White Cedar - August 2020
Before photo is to the left and after photo is on the right. Pictured in the after photo from left to right: Great Horned Owl carved from Birch, Boreal Owl carved from Basswood, Great Horned Owl carved from Pine and Sharp-Shinned Hawk carved from Birch.